I woke up - prayer - my cousin Nick came over and John and I made breakfast for him and the house! :) Pancakes and Bacon!!
Then Nick had to go so I went to Red Box with John where we got the informant... it was a really lame movie. I honestly really disliked it. I think it could have been funny if watching it with a big group of people while being excitied!
Then I decided to take a nap and then a few hours later my mom called me and I woke up. I think maybe now I am finally caught up on the abundant amount of sleep that I had been lacking. My life seriously needed more sleep. I did stay up super late last night talking to a good friend. I sometimes think those are the best parts of life - staying up late - talking about nothing important and everything important all at the same time!
I am ready to go home on friday! I am excitied to see my family! :) The older I get the more time I want to spend with my family and the less time I spend with my friends. I don't think its because I can't spend time with them but the older I get the easier it is to relate to my relatives. Ha. That seems ironic - relate - related.
Anyway - Then I ate dinner watched some bones and then we piled a ton of blankets on John for no apparent reason -
Then we played Boccie Ball :) Yay! I lost - really badly... but it was still fun!
Have a great day!