Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mary the lab tech

I recently went to go and see a doctor at a clinic in Wyoming MN. Now I have to say that everyone in the clinic was great, I loved the doctor and everyone was so nice - but one woman stuck out to me in particular and that was Mary.

I had to have nine tubes of blood taken and I always give difficulties when it comes to giving blood.  A student came up and asked if it was alright if he drew blood from me and I figured that I might as well let him have a try because if I was in his situation I would want someone to let me try. He tried with all his might but he was just unable to get my blood from my arm or my hand. I wasn't frustrated because I knew the risks and I could tell that he felt so bad that I just reassured him that it was okay and told him he would have better luck with someone who had bigger veins. :)

Mary came over and told me she was a veteran at this so she would be able to get the blood out. She chatted with me and I could just tell from her voice that she was a person full of love. She made me feel so peaceful and calm and she helped me to remember God's love. She didn't have an extraordinary job but she decided to make her job extraordinary.

I need to be more like Mary. I need to be loving and compassionate no matter what position I find myself in. Life isn't about being in a loving situation constantly it's about bring love to all of your situations.

She even gave me a tootsie pop because she thought I was so nice to let the student try on me a couple of times. Mary inspired me and reminded that each day I have an opportunity to minister to others.

Gotta keep my chin up and a smile on my face. . . Life is what you make it!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Relationship Quotes

If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy. If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing. If she’s worth it, you won’t give up. If you give up, you’re not worthy.

When a woman stops crying over you, that means someone else is making her smile…

Protect her like a daughter, love her like a wife, respect her like your mother.

Sometimes, all a girl wants is for you to fight for her. Make her believe that you may want this relationship more than she does.

Place your heart in the hands of God and he will place it in the hands of a man who he believes deserves it.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Good Christain

The other day I was walking home from work with some co-workers and two of them were talking about how mean and frustrating another co-worker is. They talked about how she made them feel bad all the time. They made a comment about how she is suppose to be a Christian and how un-Christ like she really is. I really didn't know what to say in the conversation because I have to admit I was also pretty frustrated with the persons attitude.

A couple of days later the girl who everyone had been complaining about posted on her facebook about how she wasn't going to stoop down to other people's level and how "no one people are turned away from Christianity". My heart sank when I read that because I immediately began to think: "Oh my gosh, is she talking about me? Am I a bad Christian? I don't want to be a terrible person".

I can't tell you how long I've spent thinking about this situation over the past few days. It's really got my brain wrecking because both parties said the exact same thing about the other person... I had a lot of anxiety trying to figure out what was wrong with me and how I could become more like Christ.

You see, I'm not saying this because I condemn either set of people but because I realize how terrible and cutting words and attitudes can be. I think one of the blessings about having a terrible self esteem is that I almost never think that i'm better than someone else, rather I always think I'm the worst person on the face of the earth. I really beat myself up about this whole situation and just wanted to be a better person. Then it hit me - God is teaching me a story about Mercy - Again!

In Mercy we forgive the incompleteness in another person. (even ourselves) We are always going to meet people who drive us crazy, annoy us, and don't do things in a manner that we want them to. Also they are going to be things about people that we get frustrated in because we do not see God, but we cannot then treat the person like they do not have God there at all. Blessed are those who believe without seeing -

I think sometimes i'm the worst person in my office, I get frustrated quickly and often speak when I should be silent. I don't always have the best manners and I can be judgmental. Then, I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and remember that God did not come to heal the healthy but to heal the sick. Knowing my weakness can help me to know how much more I can grow. I am Nothing without God and I am sorry for the times in which I let my humanness get the best of me.

This year has been really difficult for me having so many different medical issues and being so far away from home. I made a huge sacrifice by staying here and completing my voluntary service rather than going home and dealing with my own medical issues. I know I made the right decision because I feel like I am at peace but that does not mean it doesn't come with a lot of difficulties. I have a thorn in my side and unfortunately i'm not as holy as Paul so sometimes I have a hard time dealing with it. Sometimes when I lash out in anger it's from feeling completely alone and surrounded by pain. God reminds me that I need to turn to Him for comfort and not to let it out on those around me. A lesson i've been trying to learn for a while now.

Because I am weak, I can be strong in Christ. I have to rely on Him to make it through the chaos of my current life and I need to remember at the end of the day he is a God of Mercy.

"There've been times when I've turned from His presence... And I've walked other paths, other ways; But I've called on His name, in the dark on my shame, and His mercy was gentle as silence."

Am I a good christian? Do I turn others away from Christianity? Maybe... but I guess that just means I need to start praying harder so that I am more of Him and less of me. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I guess it's time in life to admit your failures and start to grow up a little bit. Growing up I went to many different church events and they would always talk about how God thinks you're beautiful. In my mind it always something like alsdkjf;aweirjflkdnb;laksd;fliaeur bull****. I just thought that what you saw on TV and magazines defined beauty. No matter how many times you hear that it's not true, it never really hits you until you start to think to yourself... what if they are right.

I never really cared if I had a beautiful face or body but I learned to care if I had a beautiful soul. When I approach someone are they turned away by my disposition to them or am I loving. I thought by making myself a better person I would be beautiful on the inside and that's all that would matter.

Now don't get me wrong - I still think that is the most important thing in life... BUT I have also learned that in fact it is important to view everything about yourself as beautiful. God doesn't make junk, and when I say that I really mean it. In order for you to see yourself as beautiful you need to start seeing beauty in the world. If you pass by a man on the street and are grossed out by his poverty you will never see the beauty in his eyes. His tattered clothes and stinky smell will hold you captive to negative thoughts. I challenge anyone who doesn't see themselves as beautiful to look at ugly situtations in the world and try to find one ounce of beauty. It's not just standing in front of a mirror saying "you are beautiful" that makes you find your own beauty - rathers it's finding beauty in everything else that will help you to realize you fit just perfectly in the world. By focusing on outside beauty of things we normally overlook we will realize in the choatic mess everything to a certain extent has some beauty. And we no matter how we look are no exception.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My bright side today

I've always been one to look at the positive and I have to be honest, there are many times in life when I feel like I am on the brink of only darkness and there is going to be nothing good that comes out of the situation. I am always shocked over and over again when I see the good at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes this good can take days week or even years.

People will promise you that they will always be there - and they won't
People will promise you that they will never hurt you - yet they still will
People will promise you the world - and you will watch it crumble in your hands. . .

But don't worry - Remember... To every dusk there is dawn. And just when I thought one person had taken my heart and shoved it soo deep into darkness another person comes in and lights a candle.

This picture is my bright side...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Todays Awesome Day

So today was a really awesome day in which I did very little of anything.

I woke up - prayer - my cousin Nick came over and John and I made breakfast for him and the house! :) Pancakes and Bacon!!

Then Nick had to go so I went to Red Box with John where we got the informant... it was a really lame movie. I honestly really disliked it. I think it could have been funny if watching it with a big group of people while being excitied!

Then I decided to take a nap and then a few hours later my mom called me and I woke up. I think maybe now I am finally caught up on the abundant amount of sleep that I had been lacking. My life seriously needed more sleep. I did stay up super late last night talking to a good friend. I sometimes think those are the best parts of life - staying up late - talking about nothing important and everything important all at the same time!

I am ready to go home on friday! I am excitied to see my family! :) The older I get the more time I want to spend with my family and the less time I spend with my friends. I don't think its because I can't spend time with them but the older I get the easier it is to relate to my relatives. Ha. That seems ironic - relate - related.

Anyway - Then I ate dinner watched some bones and then we piled a ton of blankets on John for no apparent reason -

Then we played Boccie Ball :) Yay! I lost - really badly... but it was still fun!

Have a great day!

Awesome 80's Prom

So I am trying to take more photos- actually I might even try and get a photo a day... no pressue but just for fun. Anyway last night John and I went to the 80's prom. I couldn't find my camera before we went but I found it when I got home !! ~

Here is a picture of our sweet digs ~
After that we went to Jose` burrito with Sam and Erica - We got some dessert chips and then tried to go and look at the stars. It was too bright outside with the moon and also it was super cold and windy! We came back and hand fun anyway. <3

Our converse party~

Life is Good! :)